In the heart of the unforgiving Outback, a relentless drought tightens its grip on the land and small town of Kalbar, Queensland. Two resilient farmers; Jenny and Russ, hatch a daring plan in an attempt to save their dying town.
Undeterred by the seemingly insurmountable odds, they rally the community to stage a vibrant Sunflower Festival, an audacious celebration against nature’s harshness. As sunflowers bloom, so does hope, and their small idea not only rejuvenates the spirits of the town but sends ripples of happiness on an International scale, demonstrating the extraordinary power of optimism in the face of adversity.
Join us for the World Premiere of GROWING HAPPINESS on Sunday 21 April. Premiere tickets include: Entry to the film plus popcorn. Red Carpet from 5:30PM with the Screening at 6:00PM.
Please join us after the premiere screening for a q&a with the films Director Neil McGregor and star, Jenny Jenner.