Thank you for your donation to the Gold Coast Film Festival

Seeing and supporting these productions is great, but there’s another way you can help local filmmakers get their films made, promoted, and seen!

Donations help us to produce a film festival that engages and inspires the local community, and showcases local films and talent. Invest in our cinematic future today by donating to Gold Coast Film Festival.

The Gold Coast Film Fantastic Public Fund is a tax-deductible fund listed on the Register of Cultural Organisations. All donations over $2 are tax deductible. An official receipt will be sent to you for your records.
ABN: 21 098 091 260

  • offer unique pitching and industry opportunities to filmmakers
  • develop Queensland screen industry professions
  • create memorable screen culture events
  • offer unique programming experience

Email us at with the subject line ‘Donation’ along with your name, email and contact number and we’ll call you back to process payment and say a huge thank you.

For more information, contact us at Gold Coast Film Festival
PO BOX 5254
Gold Coast Mail Centre QLD 9726

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