Graham Reilly, a man who has retired from life, lives alone in his garage workshop and hides from the world. It has been this way since the death of his father and the estrangement from his two brothers. Haunted by his past, this is a life he has accepted.
Then one day, his brother calls….
Visiting without warning, Jake confides in Graham that something is horribly wrong with their younger brother, Phillip. Jake believes that Phillip is possessed by their deceased father George.
With the three brothers back together, they soon realise that the sins of their past will not stay hidden. But how do you defeat a presence that knows you inside and out? A rage that wants revenge on the sons that murdered him?
The final confrontation takes place in the dimly lit, junk-filled, garage workshop. A night of the restless dead, secrets are brought to light and three brothers are forced to confront their father one last time.
Join us for the World Premiere Screening of this excellent film, THE DEMON DISORDER, on Monday 22 April. Premiere tickets include: Entry to the film plus popcorn. Red Carpet from 5:30PM with the Screening at 6:00PM.
Please join us after the premiere screening for a q&a with the films Director and Cast. Joining us will be:
Steven Boyle – Director, Co-Writer, Producer, VFX Producer
John Noble – Cast, George Reilly
Charles Cottier – Cast, Phillip Reilly
Dirk Hunter – Cast, Jake Reilly
Tobie Webster – Cast, Cole Nichols